Rape culture in our schools

Recently superstar Nelly pulled a young girl on stage, sang in her ear and played with her hair.  This may have been innocent but for the rape arrest he received after the concert.  The two incidents weren’t related but the later arrest highlighted the earlier performance that many called awkward.

These incidents started a battle on the Internet with many picking a side and some refusing to have an opinion because they weren’t there.  Most believe the alleged victim is just money hungry and scorned after being used and rejected.

I’ve dealt with these same attitudes while reporting sexual exploitation inside of schools.  No one wants to believe the victim.  At the very least most hold her accountable for being naive and in that situation to begin with.  I understand that there is a slim chance that this could be someone attempting to set up my all time favorite artist but I still have never witnessed a time when a superstar was accused of rape and a million fans didn’t slut shame the alleged victim.

My upcoming book will describe many instances of our forgotten victims of rejection, humiliation and rape.


Test are all that matters – US Education Reform

If you can read and comment on this, you have passed many test while at school.  However sadly, there are many students who could not follow this text, comprehend it and or comment on it and we know this because we gave them test and they couldn’t do it.  Lately, the powers that be have used test to hold teachers, schools and districts accountable.

The many test that our students will take throughout life:

  • Applying for jobs and financial assistance
  • enrolling in training programs and schools
  • enrolling your children in school
  • reading, comprehending and following instructions on jobs, at schools and in life general
  • jury instructions and court procedures
  • filing complaints
  • handling everyday business like western union, banking and using the internet
  • being a business owner
  • fighting for student rights public schools

Feel free to comment any other things our children will need to do in life that requires them to efficiently read and write.



Back to School – What to remember

Going back to school is an exciting time of the year for parents and students.  The most important things to remember is to communicate with the teacher asap.  Do not wait.  The sooner the better.  Most teachers will send home a letter detainling what he or she deems important.

What to ask or share with your childs teacher?

What components will be used to grade my child?

How much homework should we expect?

Are their any educational software that you use and we can access at home?

Contact information? email, phone number, emergency contact

Does school have tutoring program?

What are the field trips this year?

What are the disciplinary procedures?

Share any medical concerns or food alegeries.

Share any important friendship or relationships your child has with other teachers or students.

Please share any thing that I have left out in the comments.